About Us
Sciset is a fast-growing scientific publisher that publishes a series of peer-reviewed, open access scientific journals articles covering all scientific, technical, and medical fields. We serve the academic communities around the world and contribute to the advancement and application of science, technology, and medicine. We currently cover a wide range of academic disciplines to promote collaboration among scientists, researchers, students, and practitioners, allowing them to work more efficiently and intelligently, advancing knowledge and learning.
We use the best technology available for fast and reliable online publishing and have excellent peer reviewers and Journal Management System.
Authors published through Science Assist International maintain their work copyrights, which enables publications to be re-used and re-distributed without limitation as long as the original work is correctly cited. As a major international scientific and research publication, in collaboration with the world's most prestigious learned societies and publishers, we publish and produce titles.
We are working hard to support the writers publishing in our journals. The company is inclined to encourage valuable research publishing and to facilitate research and development worldwide. In order to publish reviewed, credible, and creative research papers, our paper publication cycle undergoes different phases. The process includes analysis by the editorial board, rigorous peer review, professional editing, publishing, distribution, and copyrighting.
Our respected editorial and advisory board is made up of members from well-known institutions, laboratories, and universities around the globe. By our self-innovated editorial and production processes and open standards, we are committed to pursuing leading standards in journal evaluation, which are also followed by some of the world's top research institutes. Through our outstanding expertise, we aim to bring maximum value to the author's paper and provide enhanced exposure to the paper through our comprehensive community of renowned associates. In the field of research journal publishing, we hold an exalted role, which is the consequence of our close collaboration with a large research network. Our papers have high amplitude flux and are available as open access.
We have our own standards and criteria for classification. Using leading-edge technologies, we aim to make publishing worldwide safer, plagiarism-free, and approachable to researchers.
Sciset is proud of its transparent relationship with societies. As a non-profit publisher, we are committed to providing our publishing partners with the widest possible dissemination of the material we publish and the best quality services. We are committed to contributing to the scientific community genuinely and consistently. Science Assist seeks to enhance the work impact and visibility of the writers, who are publishing with us. Articles published in our Open Access journals are made freely available to everyone immediately upon publication. We strongly believe that the open-access model will stimulate research worldwide, especially in developing countries, as researchers will gain unrestricted access to high-quality research papers. The quality of research and innovation is of utmost importance to us.